Glowing Demonic Writing Tutorial
To start create a simple environment and make sure to apply UVW Mapping. Once you have created your environment we will need to create some materials. I created a material with the environments texture, one with the writing texture, and last but not least a mask map for the placement of the writing on the wall.
Here are the maps that I created, the writing I will just apply a simple “radioactive” green.
To start create a simple environment and make sure to apply UVW Mapping. Once you have created your environment we will need to create some materials. I created a material with the environments texture, one with the writing texture, and last but not least a mask map for the placement of the writing on the wall.
Here are the maps that I created, the writing I will just apply a simple “radioactive” green.
Difuse Map:
Bump Map:
Glow Mask:
To create the effect we will need to create a Blend material. Select an empty material slot and open up your options by selecting the Standard button. Then select Blend.
In the Blend material instance the Environment texture into the Material 1 slot and instance the Writing texture into the Material 2 slot. Also, do not forget to apply the new mixed material to your scene objects.
You have two ways to blending the materials together, the first is Mix Amount. This method is just percentage. 0 = 100% Material 1, 100 = 100% Material 2, and 50 = 50% Material 1 and Material 2. We are going to use the Mask slot instead. This channel works on black and white information. I am going to instance my Glow Mask map into the Mask slot of the Blend material.
You should now see the writing on the wall!
Next we will set up the glow to finish off the effect. Select the Writing Material; you will need to apply a Material ID to get the glow to take effect. I will change my ID to 1.
Under the Rendering menu go to Effects.
Once the Effects dialogue pops up, select the Add button and add a Lens Effect.
Select Glow and add it to the Scene.
Under the Glow Element rollout select the Option panel. In the Image Source options check the box for Material ID. As long as the Material ID matches the Material ID of the material the glow will be applied to that object or material and only that object or material.