Here is an environment I created during one of my lectures. The focus of the lecture was procedural fire using particle flow and animated lights. I thought I would share the result.
34 Bit is a collaboration of an online portfolio combined with tutorials and tips from Ralph W Apgar III, aka Number 34. Ralph is an Autodesk Certified Instructor with 3D Studio Max, and was the 34th person to obtain this certification.
Look for new tips and tricks every week that you will only find on 34Bit.
NOTE: All portfolios and tutorials may not display. You may need to search the Portfolio Archive for tutorial topics and portfolios.
Check out my new blog, From Paper to Poly on Blogger. I am documenting my progress to transfer the Frank Reilly Method of drawing figures to poly modeling techniques for characters. I have always believed that you can only model what you can draw, so to model better I must draw better.