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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Portfolio - Tower 34

Tower 34 was a game concept that I was working on with a friend and colleague Clinton White. He was handling the programming side and I was handling the graphics. Here is the result of the ship that was going to be the main character for the game. I started by combining several random shapes together just to see what looked cool. From there we selected a couple of combinations that would work for the ship, some for backup support ships and other shapes even fit well for the bad guys of the game. I took the shape combination that we selected for the ship and refined into about 10 other ships of similar shape. From there we choose the final shape and I further refined it into a top down drawing so I could model the ship in 3D.

Here is the concept for the background. The city is hidden in the renders, the game was supposed to be top down, and as of now the city only looks good from that top down perspective.

Here are some 3D Renders of Tower 34 and the Ship.

Here is a basic cinematic of the ship taking off.

Tower 34 - Game Cinematic Comcept

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