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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Portfolio: The Moon Wurm

This is a model I had sitting around. I created him to be a boss in the Tower34 game I have been working on but never posted it up for the world to see. The Wurm is rigged, animated and ready to go. I have already tested it in Unity3D. I gave it a simple character controller and even created a simple game were the wurm eats mines. Currently I am unsure of the state of Tower34 though, I ran into a critical error as far as the game play is concerned. I am left with the choice to try again or to start on of the many new ideas for a game that I have. I am leaning towards simplifying the game and at least try to salvage what I have. That way I do not just chalk this up to a learning experience, but actually get my homage to Galaga that I have always wanted to make.

Here is a stereoscopic render and a scene breakdown, hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am certainly happy to discover this. cool job!